Why You Should Get Roadside Assistance in Your Car Insurance Policy

Why You Should Get Roadside Assistance in Your Car Insurance Policy

If you drive long enough, you will probably experience one of the most frustrating of all experiences: a sudden breakdown. Perhaps your engine overheats, and you have to pull over on a dusty rural road. Maybe you hear a loud banging noise from under the hood, so you stop along the side of the highway.

Regardless, you have to wait for someone to either help you on the spot or tow your vehicle. But who will pay when the bill comes due? Your answer will depend on what your insurance policy says about roadside assistance.

How Car Insurance With Roadside Assistance Works

Not all insurance policies cover roadside assistance, which leaves many drivers in an unpleasant situation if they have a serious problem. However, it can be added as an optional feature of any policy.

Why would you want to pay a little extra each month to tack roadside assistance onto your auto insurance? Below are several great reasons:

  • You get peace of mind if your vehicle breaks down. Unless you are handy and carry auto mechanic tools with you wherever you go, you probably will not be in a position to fix your car if it stops working properly. When you have roadside assistance, you know that you can call for help without worrying about whether it is covered. This is especially important for people with long daily commutes or who drive most of the day.
  • You will not have to pay exorbitant sums for your roadside assistance. Cars and trucks do not break down at convenient times. You can be sure of that! Roadside assistance is notoriously expensive because it is available 24/7. The only way you get someone to help you during bad weather, at three in the morning or while rush hour traffic is whizzing by is by paying extra. It is great to know that you will not have to pay more than your deductible, if applicable, for roadside assistance.
  • You can call roadside assistance to help even if you are not by the side of the road! Your roadside assistance will be there for you even if you are broken down in your own driveway. Whether you lock yourself out of your vehicle or come outside to discover a flat tire, you can feel free to contact roadside assistance for prompt service.

How to Initiate Roadside Assistance

After choosing roadside assistance as an add-on to your auto insurance policy, you should understand how to initiate it when you need it. All auto insurance providers will supply you with a toll-free number to call when you are stranded. Keep a copy of the number in your glove compartment, and store it on your smartphone. Be sure every driver who is on your car insurance policy knows that they should call roadside assistance if necessary.

Do You Have Roadside Assistance?

Not sure if you already have roadside assistance as part of your car insurance policy? Give your insurance agent a call to make certain or to add it for a few extra dollars per month.