Why Do I Need Renters Insurance?

Why Do I Need Renters Insurance_

If you rent a home in central Pennsylvania, you have the option of getting renters insurance. This valuable coverage can protect you from man-made and natural disasters that could impact your belongings.

Landlords Insurance vs. Renters Insurance

Many renters assume their landlord’s insurance policy will cover them, but this is only the case in specific circumstances. The coverage your landlord pays for covers only their property, which is to say it applies to the structure of the building and sometimes common areas. While this policy may help if the front door of the building is damaged or if something happens to the roof, it does not cover your unit or rental space.

What Is Covered by Renters Insurance?

This policy protects the tenant from natural and man-made disasters. It can guard against theft, damage to your apartment caused by construction in a nearby unit, fire damage and more. If your belongings are damaged, your policy will reimburse you, up to its limit, for all eligible losses.

Why Do I Need Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance is an extra expense for renters, but there are several excellent reasons it’s important:

  • Your neighbors are close: You may share walls, floors and ceilings with others, meaning that what your neighbors do can impact your property. If your neighbors leave cigarette butts in an ashtray and start a fire or overflow their sink and flood your apartment, your home will be affected. Without insurance, you have to cover these costs on your own.
  • Short-term rentals have changed the central Pennsylvania rental market: If any of your neighbors offer short-term rentals in their homes, their guests can impact your apartment or rental. Guests may throw parties, flood your apartment or accidentally start a fire. With more people moving through residential areas more often, tenant insurance has become more important because you may face added risk.
  • Your property could be worth a lot: Many people have tens of thousands of dollars in electronics alone. Your phone, computer, tablet, flat-screen TV and other devices could be very difficult to replace without coverage.
  • You may need a place to stay if your home is damaged: If your home is ruined by flooding or fire, where will you stay? Hotel rooms are expensive, especially if you can’t return to your rental for some time. Your tenant insurance policy can help you afford safe, clean accommodation while your home is uninhabitable.

Is Renters Insurance Worth It?

Here’s a pleasant surprise: Renters insurance in central Pennsylvania is more affordable than many tenants think. It costs less than homeowners coverage because you are not getting coverage for the structure. You can further keep your costs low by placing a dollar limit on coverage.

To get tenant insurance in central Pennsylvania, contact Strock Insurance Agency. We’ve been helping renters in Harrisburg, Camp Hill and the surrounding areas enjoy peace of mind since 1983. Get a quote from Strock Insurance today or contact us to find out more about the right policy for you. We can help explain what is covered under a typical plan and help you explore riders you can add to your policy if you need more comprehensive coverage.