What to Do in a Minor Car Accident

Person Dialing 911 In After Minor Car Accident

Many people are involved in a minor car accident at some point in their life. Whether you hit someone or someone else dinged your vehicle, you should know what steps to follow to ensure the best possible outcome in this frustrating situation. Should you file a claim for a minor accident? What if there was no damage to your car? Read on for our tips on what to do when you’re involved in a fender bender.

What to Do First If You’re in a Minor Car Accident

The very first thing you should do in case of an accident is to stop driving and pull off the road. While in major accidents you should leave the car where it was hit, it’s okay to move it with a fender bender, so you don’t impede traffic. Even if it was a minor ding and you don’t believe you were at fault, do not flee the scene — that is against the law.

Determine whether you or your passengers have been injured, calling for medical help if you need it. Then, contact the police to report the accident. Be truthful in everything you tell the officer on the scene. Take pictures of the cars and all the damage as you await the arrival of the authorities. Exchange information with the other driver, such as:

  • Insurance companies and policy numbers
  • License plates
  • Address, phone number and email addresses

You should also speak to anyone who witnessed the accident and make sure both drivers have their contact information. Follow up with the police to get a copy of their report about the incident.

While you will need to talk to the other driver to exchange information, limit what you say and avoid technicalities. Most importantly, do not admit fault for the accident.

You also need to call your insurance company as soon as possible after the accident to report what happened. Relay the information you gathered from the other driver, too.

What to Do in a Car Accident With No Damage

Even if you do not see any apparent damage to your cars, you should still proceed with the same steps, including calling the police. You may not be able to see the damage that will later become apparent, such as leaks in a radiator or a short circuit to a car battery. Play it safe and proceed as though there will be a damage claim.

Should I File a Claim for a Minor Accident or Fender Bender?

In most cases, people should file claims for accidents, unless you can find definitively that there was no damage or your damage claims are lower than your deductible. At the very least, you should call your insurance company to inform them of what happened. They can assess the damage through an adjuster, and you can determine whether you want to file the claim.

You can contact Strock Insurance to discuss any questions you may have about the process. Call our offices or get in touch with us online. You can also request an insurance quote.