What to Do If You Hit a Parked Car: Hit and Run

Broken Glass on Ground with Car in Background

-Updated 1/31/2020

Did you know the majority of hit and runs involve parked cars? Deciding what to do when you are involved in an accident with a parked car can be tricky. You know you shouldn’t leave the scene, but you also may not be sure how to proceed with notifying the car owner or giving out your insurance information. We compiled these tips to assist you in this situation.

Before we jump in, remember you should never leave the scene of an accident without taking action. This is against the law and could result in serious consequences.

What to Do If You Hit a Parked Car and Can’t Find the Owner

Here are the first steps you should take if you hit a parked car:

  1. Stop your car and pull over to the side of the road
  2. Don’t drive away from the scene
  3. Try to find the owner of the vehicle you hit
  4. Leave a note with your contact information
  5. Report the incident to the police if there is any damage
  6. Takes photos of any damage
  7. Speak to any eyewitnesses
  8. Contact your insurance agency

If you hit a parked car, pull over by the scene of the accident and attempt to find the person. They may be walking down the street, or they may have been watching from a nearby building. By waiting around the car for a few minutes, you likely will discover the person if they are in the immediate vicinity. When you find them, conduct the usual steps for an accident. Give them your name, contact information and insurance information.

Often, however, the car owner is not nearby. But, you still need to let them know how to track you down. Leave a piece of paper on the windshield with a straightforward explanation of what happened. Do not say anything about not paying attention or texting while driving to cause the accident. Also, include the following in the note:

  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • Address

Ask them to call you, then exchange your insurance information over the phone. You should take photos of any damage and speak to any witnesses in the vicinity. Next, call your insurance company to report the accident.

What to Do If Your Car Is Hit While Parked

The steps are generally similar if someone else hits your parked car. If you see it happen, you should calmly approach the driver of the car and get their contact and insurance information. If the driver does not stop, you should contact the police to report the incident. Then, call your insurance company. Take pictures and speak to witnesses the same way you would if your car had caused the accident.

Should I File a Claim for a Hit and Run?

Whether you file a claim or not, you should always contact your insurance agency in case of a hit and run. Once you’ve spoken with an adjuster about the situation and the damage to your car, you can decide whether you should file the claim. If the cost of the damages is less than your deductible, you may choose not to file the claim.

If you hit a parked car or someone else hit your parked car, you can contact Strock Insurance for assistance. We’ve helped many clients through similar cases. Call our offices in Harrisburg, Lebanon or Camp Hill, or get in touch online. You can also get a free auto insurance quote from us, too.