How to Make Your Home a Smart Home

How to Make Your Home a Smart Home

You get home from a long day of work, kick off your shoes and sip a nice steamy cup of tea from the comfort of your bed. The intensity of the violins blare from your TV’s speakers as the “Game of Thrones” theme song begins to play just as the doorbell rings. You open your camera monitoring app to see it’s just the kids next door dingdong ditching your house again as you sip your warm hot cup of — wait, is the pot still on?

Oh yeah, that’s right. The timer will set it to cool down shortly, no need to worry. You dim the lights from the comfort of your phone and take care of all your worries in a matter of seconds without so much as lifting an arm — just in time for the theme song to end and the show to begin.

What is a smart home? Smart homes are technologically advanced houses that can now do what was once only possible with human intervention. You don’t need a person to stand watch outside your window to know what’s happening outside anymore. Who needs a personal assistant when your phone can answer all your questions, turn off the lights, make memos and remind you of any upcoming appointments, all with the mere touch of a button?

A smart home doesn’t have to be a dream home. Anybody can turn their home from dated to futuristic with these simple steps:

Hire a Voice-Assistant

At times we could all use a helping hand — or voice. You don’t have to spam your fridge with endless memos sloppily scribbled on post-it notes anymore. Voice assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa, take care of all your organization and inquiry needs. Whether you want to turn on your music without getting off the sofa or need a little refresher on how to bake homemade macaroni but can’t find your mother’s cookbook, the use of artificial intelligence voice assistants in your home provide you the assistance you need.

Install Smart Thermostats

What better way to escape the scalding heat than to come home to a cool, refreshing living room? There’s also no better feeling than seeing the decreases on your energy bill each month. Smart thermostats provide you additional comfort while cutting your heating and cooling costs at the same time. While slight electrical work is necessary, you’ll find the ease of remote-control access to your home’s temperature worth it.

Add Protection With Video Surveillance

The protection assured by video surveillance was once reserved for the wealthy and large-business owners. Now, anybody can see what’s going on inside and outside their home even when they’re not physically home themselves. Home security systems range from DIY projects to more advanced systems necessitating professional installment. A smart home isn’t complete without the ability to watch your dog from work though, is it?

If you’re wondering how to make your home a smart home, you have an endless array of technology to choose from, as well as smart home insurance. From wireless light control to video surveillance on the go, you can easily update your home to the technological level you desire.