How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

How to Keep Your New Year's Resolution

As the year draws to a close, you begin to think about all the change you want to experience in the new year. Ah, yes — the New Year’s resolution. Whether the thought of these goals conjure up fear or anticipation, one thing’s for sure — you can fulfill your New Year’s resolution without burning yourself out by the end of January.

Whether it’s to rid yourself of an undesirable trait or to build yourself a healthier physique, follow these New Year’s resolution tips to ensure you not only keep your goals, but also exceed them.

Work Out the Details

If you have a goal in mind, make sure you figure out the specifics. One of the most common New Year’s goals and resolutions is to lose weight. Rather than thinking to yourself, “I’m going to lose a ton of weight this upcoming year,” be more definite with your objectives. What are your specific goals? If you have a skinny black dress or fancy trousers hanging in the back of your closet from the past, perhaps aim to fit into them by a designated month. Making your goal specific gives you more initiative to work toward an achievable result and not a vague ideal.

Be Reasonable and Realistic

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but aiming too high might just put your goals slightly out of reach. If your goal is to become a millionaire or lose 100 pounds your first month of exercising, you might find yourself disappointed and forgoing your resolutions entirely. Set goals you can actually work toward achieving with your current level of resources, energy and time.

Keep a Journal

Journaling is not only therapeutic, but it also provides you with a moment of reflection. Jot down the steps you’ve made toward reaching your goals each day. If you haven’t taken the necessary steps toward achievement, writing down your goals and mapping out a plan helps get you back on track.

Construct a Timeframe

This one’s a biggie — set yourself a definitive milestone. Do you want to live a healthier lifestyle? Aim to shed 5 pounds by March while vowing to cut out one unhealthy snack each week and replace your cupboard’s stash entirely with fruits and vegetables by the beginning of summer. Sometimes the hardest part about starting your resolution journey is taking those first steps. Timeframes help you measure your progress while breaking your goals down into feasible obtainment dates.

Tell Everyone!

There’s no better way to obtain your goals and fulfill your long-awaited aspirations than with the encouragement and support of loved ones. Telling others your goals not only provides you with the incentive to fulfill them, but it also lets those around you know of your goals. With your family, friends and co-workers rooting you on, you have that extra oomph that might just help propel you toward fulfilling your goals.