Funniest Car Insurance Claims EVER!


Top 10 Funniest Car Insurance Claims

Having to file an auto insurance claim may not sound like a funny experience, but some of the car insurance claims are honestly hilarious. Check out these 10 funny insurance claims, each pulled from actual records. Keep in mind that they are true, even though they sound pretty unbelievable.

10. Where’s the Beef?

In one of our favorite funny insurance stories, the insured person hit a cow with his car. When asked what warning he gave, the answer was “Horn.” When asked what answer was given by the other party, the answer was “Moo.” Rather specific, don’t you think?

9. One Mattress Equals Three Crashed Cars

In Seattle a few years ago, drivers of an SUV didn’t attach their mattress to the top of their vehicle very securely. Once on the highway, the mattress fell off and was the direct cause of a three-way pile-up.

8. Wrong Tree

This funny car insurance claim reads as follows: “I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don’t have.” Again, a relatively straightforward answer where logic is the crux of the joke.

7. Poor Grammar

Sometimes, silly car insurance claim responses aren’t amusing for the situation, but rather for the way the claimant replies. As one person asserted, he was unable to stop in time, so his car crashed into another vehicle. The claimant then went on to say, “the driver and passengers left immediately for a vacation with injuries.” Looks like someone needs a course in Grammar 101.

6. Ouch!

“A truck backed through my windshield into my wife’s face.” Ouch. That must have been either a huge windshield or a very small truck. In either case, we hope the wife was all right.

5. Those Diabolical Pedestrians

In some cases of insurance claims, the culprit is listed as someone walking along, minding his or her own business (seemingly.) As one claimant noted, the pedestrian with whom he collided hit him and then went under his car. Hint: If you are in an accident involving a pedestrian, don’t try to put the blame on him or her.

4. Stop Bugging Me!

Unless you study them for a living, you’re probably not a fan of insects. That was the source of a funny car insurance answer whereby the individual noted that in an “attempt to kill a fly,” he “drove into a telephone pole.” Remember that if a bug is bugging you, open the windows or stop the vehicle. Talk about distracted driving!

3. The On-Purpose Mistake

Here’s another example of someone who needs to take a refresher English course, or at least re-read what he wrote. “The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him.” Some advice to you is that you should always check your auto insurance claim notations for clarity before you submit them.

2. Well … I’ll Be Darned!

“I told the police I wasn’t injured, but on removing my hat, I found I had a fractured skull.” Hmm. Probably not the exact way it happened, eh? If it were, both the claimant and policeman would have been quite shocked!

1. The Vanishing Vehicle

The last, but certainly not least, funny auto insurance quote to share is one involving a vanishing vehicle. Unless this incident happened in Area 51, we’re rather certain that it wasn’t a ghost or alien at the wheel: “An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my car, and vanished.” Really?

Now that you’ve had a few chuckles over these funny car insurance claims, don’t forget that it’s important to always report any concerns immediately. And if you’re in an accident, stop immediately. Get help for yourself or others as soon as possible. Leaving the scene is a huge issue that’s not in the least bit hilarious.